Berwyn South School District 100 provides a comprehensive educational program that focuses on college and career readiness while encouraging students to be active learners. The district’s English language arts and math curriculum align with the
Illinois Learning Standards, which are based on the Common Core State Standards. District 100 recently created a scope and sequence that provides clear and consistent expectations of what students should know and be able to do at each grade level.
Our science curriculum is based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the social science curriculum covers topics based on Illinois Learning Standards. The curriculum in all content areas and exploratory courses is designed to provide students with the knowledge necessary to master content standards while challenging them to reach their greatest academic potential. District 100 is committed to enriching the curriculum through exploration, creativity and collaboration, and providing instruction based on the individual needs of every student.
District 100 Curriculum Brochures
Grades K-5
Berwyn South elementary students use Bridges in Mathematics, a comprehensive curriculum that supports teachers in their application of the Illinois Learning Standards for Mathematics via a rigorous, engaging, coherent manner that all District 100 students can access. Students develop deep understanding of mathematical concepts, solve complex problems, and build proficiency with key skills.
An overview of Bridges in Mathematics for families;
available in English or Spanish
Please click the link below and scroll down the page ( see example here )
to chose the grade level, K-5, that you're seeking.
Bridges Math Standards K-5, scroll down the page to find your grade level
Math App K-5 Resources
These apps are based on the visual models featured in Bridges in Mathematics.
All apps are available in two or more versions: a web app for all modern
browsers, and downloadable versions for specific operating systems and
devices (such as Apple iOS for iPad).
Math Apps
K-5 Math Dreambox
Grades 6-8
At Berwyn South District 100 we utilize the Desmos Middle School Math Curriculum. Our students use the Desmos platform to interact with math, think critically, create problematic activities, give students the ability to be right and wrong, connect representations, create objects, and engage in mathematical conversations between teachers and students.
We also utilize MAP Accelerator to give additional supports to students.
Math App K-8 Resources
K-8 Math IXL
Literacy and Content: Year at a Glance
Grades K-8
Please click the link below to chose the grade level that you're seeking
Literacy App K-8 Resources
K-5 Literacy Lexia
6-8 Literacy Achieve 3000
Health & Safety
Public Act 102-0522
Our district partners with Corazon Community Services to provide lessons within their curriculum on sexual abuse and assault awareness. They use the MAD/CUIDATE curriculum found here.
If you have any questions, please contact our
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning:
Beatriz Maldonado