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Board of Education Goals

Board of Education Goals


Goal 1: All students will be college and career ready by preparing them with

21st century skills


Objective 1.1 - Utilize data continuously and rigorously to inform practice at the district,

school, classroom, and individual child levels

Objective 1.2 - Deliver a relevant and challenging curriculum

Objective 1.3 - Offer high-quality, differentiated instruction for every child

Goal 2: Recruit, Support, and Retain High-Quality Staff

Objective 2.1 - Attract, recruit, and hire highly qualified personnel

Objective 2.2 - Motivate and retain high-performing employees 

Objective 2.3 - Provide high-quality professional development, training, and coaching

that supports effective leaders and teachers 


Goal 3: Create collaborative Family and Community Partnerships

Objective 3.1 - Establish a foundation of solid parent and community partnerships by

implementing two-way communication practices.
Objective 3.2 - Build strong relationships with the Berwyn community, including residents,

businesses, and civic leaders

Objective 3.3 - Strengthen partnerships with parents and provide multiple avenues for

meaningful parent engagement and communication at both school and district levels


Goal 4: Provide a Caring, Safe, and Healthy Environment that Supports the

Development of the Whole Child


Objective 4.1 - Implement policies that support student health, nutrition, and physical activity

Objective 4.2 - Provide research based interventions and supports that foster positive behavior, social-emotional development, and a collaborative school environment


Goal 5: Efficient and Effective Management of Resources

Objective 5.1 - Manage district resources efficiently and effectively to promote student achievement



Adopted by the Board of Education on September 24, 2014.

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