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    Vision, Mission & Beliefs The vision of Berwyn South School District 100 is to inspire a passion for learning in every child. Our mission is to create inclusive learning environments where students take ownership of their academic and personal growth, embrace diversity, and strive to be positive influencers in our changing world. We believe in providing students with rigorous and personalized learning opportunities that prepare them for academic excellence and future success. We believe in utilizing innovative instructional practices that encourage collaboration, creativity, and exploration. We believe in student-centered classrooms and schools that are supportive, safe, and responsive to the social and emotional needs of students, staff, and families. We believe in using several measures to determine student success and to make informed decisions that lead to continuous student growth. We believe in engaging with families and community members to create partnerships that actively support students’ development and learning. We believe in creating and maintaining a culture where students and staff learn from each other, share ideas, and build supportive, collaborative relationships. We believe in enhancing our academic program by providing a variety of extra-curricular opportunities for students to develop and explore individual interests and talents. Click on this link to see our new video.


    Transportation Department Transportation Department ​ Bus transportation is provided to students who meet the criteria as stipulated in Public School Laws due to distance, hazard roads crossings or student needs. A new form must be completed yearly for all students and whenever a change in transportation is requested. Please complete one form for each student and return it to the school office. If you have any questions contact the transportation department at 708-303-4011. Transportación escolar se ofrecerá a los estudiantes que cumplan con los requisitos en las Leyes de la Escuela Publica, debido a los caminos de peligro, distancia, cruces o las necesidades de los estudiantes. Llene un formulario nuevo anualmente para cada alumno y cuando haya algún cambio a la solicitud de transporte. Llene un formulario para cada alumno y envíelo(s) a la oficina de su escuela. Si tiene alguna pregunta por favor comuníquese con el departamento de transportación al 708-303-4011. ​ ​ For any questions or information in regard to transportation please contact any of the following below: ​ T ransportation Coordinator: Victor Tello Phone: 708-303-4011 Email: ​ Assistant to Transportation : Niva Leal Phone: 708-303-4005 Email: ​ ​ Tra nsportation request forms for the school year Please submit all forms to the front office at your child’s school. ​ Click the links below to access these forms: ​ - English transportation request form - Spanish transportation request form ​


    Board of Education A message from our Board of Education President Dear Students, Parents, Staff and Community Members, On behalf of the entire school board, I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you as we embark on what promises to be an unforgettable academic journey in the year 2023-2024. As the vibrant summer days wind down and the halls of our schools buzz with excitement, we are filled with anticipation for the incredible opportunities and growth that lie ahead. First and foremost, a heartfelt congratulations to our incredible students for their resilience and determination throughout the challenges faced over the past years. Your unwavering commitment to learning, adaptability, and unwavering spirit has truly been an inspiration to us all. We applaud your tenacity and look forward to supporting you on your continued educational path. To the parents and guardians, we extend our deepest gratitude for your tireless support throughout these unprecedented times. Your commitment to your child's education has been very important, and we recognize the immense contributions you have made toward the success of our students. Together, we shall continue to cultivate an environment that nurtures their growth, ensuring their educational milestones are met with every opportunity to thrive. To the staff and all educators we thank you for your commitment to our community and to our students. It is thanks to each of you that many of our children have succeeded and we know all will find their passion. We are grateful for each of you and encourage you to welcome all of what our students bring, the different experiences and different challenges. When those challenges arise please remember that many times you may be that child’s only light, only smile, and only caring person. We know that you will be there to guide them, encourage them and to help them embrace their challenges. We know that each of you knows how to empower each student, to help them believe in their own capabilities and develop resilience that will serve them throughout their lives. To our incredible community members, we extend our sincerest gratitude for your ongoing support. Your involvement and engagement have played a significant role in shaping the educational landscape of our district. We value the close partnership between schools and the community, and we remain committed to providing an inclusive environment where collaboration and growth can flourish. As we embark on this new academic year together, let us remember that success is not just about the destination but also the journey. Alongside the pursuit of knowledge, we encourage our students to explore their passions, embrace diversity, and engage in meaningful extracurricular activities that will foster personal growth and build lasting friendships. In closing, our school board is enthusiastic about the unique opportunities awaiting each student in the year ahead. Together, let us create an environment that celebrates ingenuity, fosters curiosity, and nurtures the well-being of every child. We stand united in our commitment to providing a safe, inclusive, and stimulating environment for everyone. Wishing you all a transformative and successful year as we embark on this incredible academic 2023-2024 journey together! Sincerely, Elizabeth O. Jiménez Berwyn South school District 100 Board President Estimados estudiantes, padres, personal, y miembros de la comunidad, En nombre de todo el consejo escolar, me complace extender una cálida bienvenida a todos y cada uno de ustedes al embarcarnos en lo que promete ser un viaje académico inolvidable en el año 2023-2024. Mientras los días vibrantes de verano concluyen y los pasillos de nuestras escuelas vibran con emoción, estamos llenos de anticipación por las oportunidades increíbles y el crecimiento que yace adelante. Primero, unas felicitaciones de corazón a todos nuestros estudiantes increíbles por su resiliencia y determinación a través de los desafíos que enfrentaron durante los años pasados. Su compromiso inquebrantable para aprender, adaptabilidad, y espíritu inquebrantable ha sido verdaderamente una inspiración para todos nosotros. Aplaudimos su tenacidad y esperamos apoyarlos en su camino de educación continua. A los padres y tutores, extendemos nuestra profunda gratitud por su apoyo incansable durante estos tiempos sin precedentes. Su compromiso con la educación de su hijo/a ha sido muy importante, y reconocemos las contribuciones inmensas que usted ha hecho hacia el éxito de nuestros estudiantes. Juntos continuaremos cultivando un ambiente que nutre su crecimiento, asegurando que sus hitos educativos se cumplan con todas las oportunidades para prosperar. Al personal y todos los educadores, les agradecemos por su compromiso con nuestra comunidad y nuestros estudiantes. Es gracias a cada uno de ustedes que muchos de nuestros niños han tenido éxito y sabemos que todos encontrarán su pasión. Estamos agradecidos por cada uno de ustedes y los animamos a dar la bienvenida a todo lo que nuestros estudiantes traen, las diferentes experiencias y los diferentes desafíos. Cuando esos desafíos aparezcan, por favor recuerden que ustedes pueden ser la única luz, la única sonrisa, y la única persona bondadosa para ese niño/a. Sabemos que ustedes estarán allí para guiarlos, animarlos y ayudarlos a aceptar sus desafíos. Sabemos que cada uno de ustedes sabe cómo empoderar a cada estudiante para ayudarlos a creer en sus propias habilidades y desarrollar la resiliencia que les servirá a través de sus vidas. A los increíbles miembros de la comunidad, extendemos nuestro más sincero agradecimiento por su apoyo continuo. Su participación ha jugado un papel significativo en dar forma al paisaje educativo de nuestro distrito. Valoramos la asociación cercana entre las escuelas y la comunidad, y permanecemos comprometidos con proveer un ambiente inclusivo donde la colaboración y el crecimiento puedan florecer. Mientras nos embarcamos juntos en este nuevo año académico, recordemos que el éxito no es el destino final solamente sino también el viaje. Junto con la búsqueda del conocimiento, animamos a nuestros estudiantes a explorar sus pasiones, aceptar la diversidad, e involucrarse en actividades extracurriculares significativas que fomenten el crecimiento personal y construyan amistades duraderas. Concluyendo, nuestro consejo escolar está entusiasmado acerca de las oportunidades únicas que esperan a los estudiantes en el año por delante. Juntos, creemos un ambiente que celebre la ingenuidad, fomente la curiosidad, y nutra el bienestar de cada niño. Estamos unidos en nuestro compromiso con proveer un ambiente seguro, inclusivo, y estimulante para cada uno. ¡Les deseamos a todos un año transformativo y exitoso al embarcarnos juntos en este increíble viaje académico 2023-2024! Atentamente, Elizabeth O. Jiménez Berwyn South School District 100 Presidenta del Consejo Escolar Home Superintendent Board Members Board Goals Agendas and Minutes Board Policy Manual Meetings Dates & Recordings Live Stream Board Meeting Equity & Anti-Racism Resolution Board Member Handbook Welcoming District Resolution


    Map & Locations BSD100 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS MAP BSD100 MIDDLE SCHOOLS MAP BSD100 Elementary School Boundaries BSD100 Middle School Boundaries


    Portrait of a Graduate ​ District 100 is proud to introduce the Portrait of a Graduate to our families. Thank you for your feedback in establishing a shared vision of the educational experiences and attributes our community wants for all students in the district. Please see the attached letter and informational poster that further defines the District 100 Portrait of a Graduate. Letter Poster ​ ​ Retrato de un graduado ​ El Distrito 100 se enorgullece de presentar el Retrato de un graduad o a nuestras familias. Gracias por sus comentarios para establecer una visión compartida de las experiencias educativas y los atributos que nuestra comunidad quiere para todos los estudiantes del distrito. Consulte la carta adjunta y el póster informativo que define aún más el Retrato de un graduado del Distrito 100. Carta Póster


    Medical Information Medical Information ​ Certificate of Health Exam Form-Eng Certificate of Health Exam Form-Span Certificate of Eye Exam Form-Eng Eye Exam Waiver-Eng Dental Exam Form-Eng Dental Exam Form-Span Sport Physical-Eng Inhalers Epipen-Eng Inhalers Epipen-Span 22.23 Medical Letter to 6th grade Parents-Eng 22.23 Medical Letter to 6th grade Parents-Span 22.23 Medical Letter to KDG grade Parents-Eng 22.23 Medical Letter to KDG grade Parents-Span 22.23 Medication Permission Form-Eng Learn the Facts About Flu Vaccines Eng Learn the Facts About Flu Vaccines Spa Meningococcal and Flu Vaccines Eng Meningococcal and Flu Vaccines Spa Meningococcal Vac for Preteens/Teens Eng Meningococcal Vac for Preteens/Teens Spa


    E-Learning Virtual e-learning days are an opportunity for learning to continue when students are not physically in our schools. District 100 students have access to a wide variety of learning resources and our staff have been trained on effectively utilizing technology to enhance learning experiences at school and to extend learning beyond the school day. E-learning days count as student attendance days and do not require days to be made up as emergency days at the end of the school year. While we recognize that instruction facilitated in our classrooms by our teachers is essential for our students, continuing those learning experiences at home is also a valuable component of our current instructional program. Applying these practices on e-learning days supports the practices we already have in place in District 100. ​ Please click the link below for more information about our plan BSD100 E-Learning Plan


    Crisis Information Crisis Information Crisis information In an emergency situation, please call 911 immediately. To report concerns of child abuse or neglect, call: The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Abuse Hotline: (800) 25-ABUSE Cook County Health Department 24-hour Crisis Line : (312) 864-6000 Students in crisis Need help? You are never alone. Mental health resources are available: Safe2Help Illinois This site encourages learning about ways to help yourself feel better, while making a personal effort to stay safe and healthy. If you need more help or prefer to talk to a person, their trained staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ​ 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat ​ Crisis Text Line (text HOME to 741741) Linden Oaks Crisis Support Line: (630) 305-5027 Berwyn Police Department Non-Emergency: 708-795-5600 ​ ​ List of community resources ​ Berwyn Township Public Health District Berwyn Public Health District is to provide medical and sanitation resources to meet the needs of our community. Morton East School Clinic Provides medical support and other health related questions Youth Crossroads Youth Crossroads supports youth, guiding them through life’s challenges, and inspiring them to discover new opportunities for personal development, healthy relationships, and positive community involvement Sarah's Inn Sarah’s Inn provides comprehensive services for families affected by domestic violence so that they get the support they need to find safety, rebuild their lives, and heal. Spanish speakers are available. ​ Pillars Mental Health and Crisis Services Pillars Community Health crisis workers are available 24 hours a day through our crisis hotline, 708-PILLARS (708-745-5277). Riveredge Hospital Specialized inpatient and outpatient behavioral healthcare to children, adolescents, young adults and adults. Hartgrove Behavioral Health Services An all-encompassing psychiatric healthcare service that is both effective and efficient. ​ ​


    McKinney-Vento McKinney-Vento ​ Children who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime abode are eligible for McKinney-Vento services. In general, children or youth living in motels, transitional housing, shelters, the street, cars, abandoned buildings, and other inadequate accommodations may be considered eligible for McKinney-Vento services. If you think your child may qualify for McKinney-Vento services, please contact the main office at your child's school. ​ District 100 Homeless Liaison Sarah Fies ​ ​ ​ What is McKinney-Ven to? Rights of Homeless Students McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Students Berwyn resources


    1:1 iPad Program 1:1 iPad Program ​ Berwyn South School District 100 is committed to providing the top educational opportunities and resources for our students, faculty, and staff. Integrating technology into the classroom is essential for student growth when developing skills for creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. With the support of the district community, our teachers have engaged in professional development experiences to ensure students are applying their understanding of grade-level standards through creative opportunities and immediate feedback. By instilling a growth mindset in each of our students, we are able to inspire them to navigate their personal learning journey and goals as they engage in their grade-level content and their device. Our district provides resources to help support students to thrive in flexible learning environments. Their learning environments consist of: · Adopting a 1:1 iPad program for K-8 since 2012 · Setting policies and procedures for selecting and loading appropriate subject-driven/grade-level apps onto devices. · Providing interactive displays in classrooms. · Staff-led professional development opportunities · Furniture and learning spaces that support student collaboration and multiple learning styles · Keeping up to date with a strong infrastructure to support learning In support of Berwyn South School District 100’s 1:1 Instructional Program, students, parents, teachers, and staff collaborate together to ensure the success of our program. You can find the information for our Student Digital Guide and our recent recognition for our Apple Distinguished Schools . We invite you to visit our district to learn more about our exciting technology initiative. ​ ​ ​ Site Visit Request s ​ If you would like to learn with us please fill out this Google Form to request a date for a Site Visit . ​ ​


    Community Newsletter Please see our Community Newsletter in English and Spanish linked below. ​ Community Newsletter November, 2023 Community Newsletter November, 2023 Spanish ​ Community Newsletter August, 2023 Community Newsletter August, 2023 Spanis h ​


    Buildings and Grounds Building and Grounds ​ George Lambesis Director of Buildings and Grounds Phone: 708-303-4809 Email: ​ Paulino Sanchez Assistant Director of Buildings and Grounds Phone: 708-303-4017 Email: Bianca Sanchez Administrative Assistant to Buildings and Grounds Phone: 708-303-4024 Email: ​ ​ Facilities Request Emerson Elementary School - lead testing results 8.2018 Hiawatha Elementary School - lead testing results 11.2018 Irving Elementary School - lead testing 8.2018 Irving Elementary School - lead testing following mitigation 11.2018 Komensky Lead Testing Results 8.18 Pershing Elementary Schoool - lead testing results 8.2018 Pershing Elementary School - lead testing following mitigation 11.2018 Piper Elementary School - lead testing results 8.2018 Piper Elementary School - lead testing results following mitigation 11.2018 Freedom Middle School - Lead testing result s 8.2018 Heritage Middle School lead testing results 9.2018 Water Quality Control-Lead Testing-Oct. 2016 PL 099-0922 Lead Testing PL Sampling Drinking Water Guidance Brochure Radon Testing information Waste Collection Schedul e ​ ​ ​ ​ 3000 Ridgeland Development

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