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Family Liaison My name is Junely Escobar and I am very excited to be part of the Berwyn South School District 100. As your Family Liaison I am committed to help you get the information and support you need to ensure your child’s academic and social success in school. It is a privilege to get involved, keep you informed and share information to ensure that your children do their best in school. I will keep you connected to your child's teacher, provide educational workshops of your interest and needs, and be your support system. All of our conversations are strictly confidential therefore don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Mi nombre es Junely Escobar y estoy muy emocionada de formar parte del Berwyn South School District 100. Como su Enlace Familiar, me comprometo a ayudarles a obtener la información y el apoyo que necesiten para garantizar el éxito académico y social de su hijo/a en la escuela. Es un privilegio participar, mantenerlo informado y compartir información para garantizar que sus hijos/as hagan lo mejor posible en la escuela. Los mantendré conectados con el maestro/a de su hijo/a, brindaré talleres educativos de su interés y necesidades, y seré su sistema de apoyo. Todas nuestras conversaciones son estrictamente confidenciales, por lo tanto, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud. Junely Escobar Family Liaison email: phone: 708-303-4135 Upcoming Events Parent University: Presented by Giselle Jimenez Emerson School Classroom 105 (entrance through the Heritage Middle School) Heritage Middle School 6850 W. 31st Street This presentation will be in Spanish. We will provide transportation from your school. The bus pick-up will be at 8:25 a.m. from your school and the drop off will be at 11:15 a.m. Registration is required for transportation. Universidad Para Padres: Presentado por Giselle Jimenez Escuela Emerson Aula 105 (entrada por la Escuela Media Heritage) Escuela Media Heritage 6850 W. 31st Street Esta presentación será en español. Sé proveerá transporte desde su escuela. La recogida en autobús será a las 8:25 a.m. desde su escuela y la entrega será a las 11:15 a.m. Se requiere registro para el transporte. Registration Link: Welcome to D100 lending library! We have a series of parenting books in English and Spanish for you to enjoy. You will be able to check out 1 book at a time for 2 weeks. If you need more time, you can always check the book out for another 2 weeks as long as it’s approved by the Family Liaison Mrs. Escobar and there is no hold on the book. Once you fill out the google form. The book will be sent out with your child as soon as possible. Mrs. Escobar will check in books once they’ve been returned. To return book please send it with your student and write on a sticky note, RETURN TO MRS. ESCOBAR AT EMERSON ROOM 105. These books are for all Berwyn South School District 100 families to enjoy! ¡Bienvenidos a la biblioteca de préstamos de D100! Tenemos una serie de libros para los padres, sobre la crianza en inglés y español para que disfruten. Podrá consultar 1 libro a la vez durante 2 semanas. Si necesita más tiempo, puede consultar el libro durante otras 2 semanas, siempre y cuando esté aprobado por el Enlace Familiar, la Sra. Escobar, y no haya reserva en el libro. Una vez que llene el formulario de google. El libro se enviará con su hijo/a lo antes posible. La Sra. Escobar revisará los libros una vez que hayan sido devueltos. Para devolver el libro, envíelo con su estudiante y escriba en una nota adhesiva, REGRESE A LA SRA. ESCOBAR EN EMERSON AULA 105. ¡Estos libros son para que todas las familias de Berwyn South School 100 los disfruten! D100 Lending Library
Title I Title I is a Federal Grant that includes instruction for students, professional development for teachers and parent involvement for guardians. Berwyn South School District 100 has reading and math services for students in all 8 of our schools. Please attend the curriculum night at your child’s school to learn more about Title 1 and sign the Title 1 Parent Agreement. If you need more information contact your child’s school. We encourage you to provide feedback on the policies below as well as on activities that may benefit our families. Please contact Beatriz Maldonado, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning at . Thank you. The 2024-2025 parent meeting - Monday, September 9th from 6 - 6:30 English and 6:30 - 7:00 Spanish. Title I Parents Right to Know Ltr - ENG & SPA Title I Parent Responsibilities-Eng Title I Parent Responsibilities-Span Title I District Co m pact Ltr - ENG & SPA Title I Parent Involvement Compact ENG & SPA D100 2022-2023 Title 1 Pa rent_Meeting
Professional Development Professional Development in D100 Berwyn South School District 100 is committed to facilitating ongoing professional learning for its staff. As such, we adhere to the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning. These standards guide the design, implementation, and evaluation of professional learning activities in Berwyn South School District 100 as required by the Illinois State Board of Education. "Learning Forward's standards outline the essential elements of and conditions for professional learning that strengthens educator effectiveness and increases student learning. Widespread attention to the standards increases equity of access to high-quality education for every student, not just for those lucky enough to attend schools in more advantaged communities" ( ). Our standards for PD focus on: Learning Communities Leadership Resources Data Learning Designs Implementation Outcomes In addition to participation in professional development opportunities on Institute Days, at after-school workshops, and by attending conferences, Berwyn South School District 100 staff are actively engaging in asynchronous learning options via webinars, Twitter chats, the EdLeadersNetwork, etc. The intended outcome of all Berwyn South School District 100 professional development is to increase educators' practice in order to facilitate successful student learning.
Community Organizations Community Organizations Sobe Education Foundation City of Berwyn Berwyn Township Berwyn Park District Berwyn Public Library Berwyn Police Department Berwyn Recreation Department PAV YMCA Berwyn Development Corporation MacNeal Hospital Morton West High School District 201 Morton College Youth Crossroads Our American Voice (OAV)
Board Member Handbook Board Member Handbook The Berwyn South School District 100 Board of Education understands and appreciates that access to quality public education is not just a constitutional requirement, but also a moral and ethical imperative. Ensuring students have an opportunity to fully maximize their potential is the guiding principle. Accordingly, all students are entitled to a quality educational experience that prepares them to be college and career ready and inspires them to be lifelong learners. This is no easy task. It requires necessary and appropriate leadership from many levels within the organization, including building staff, principals, District 100 administration and the Board of Education. It requires a Board of Education that is both collectively and individually committed to governing as a professional oversight board. This means a dedication to the principles and practices of professional governance, a shared understanding and adherence to board policies and internal protocols, a focus on continuous improvement as an embodiment of a lifelong learner, and a willingness to model effective leadership to students, staff and the community at large. What is effective leadership? There are thousands of books on this subject but here’s a few key points when working on a board: Speak to share your vision, not to wound another Listen to understand, not respond Demonstrate the behavior you expect from others Recognize success and let it be known Motivate, inspire and empower others Take responsibility for your decisions, action or inaction Keep kids at the forefront The purpose of this handbook is to provide a document that will support new and future board members in understanding the role of the Board of Education and the policies and procedures that govern the work. A significant component of new school board member orientation is a thorough understanding of the contents of this book as well as training mandated by the State of Illinois. Education is continuously evolving, as such, updates will continually be made to ensure this handbook is current and relevant. Please click on the link below to view the Board Member Handbook. Board Member Handbook Home Superintendent Board Members Board Goals Agendas and Minutes Board Policy Manual Meetings Dates & Recordings
Board Policies Manual Board Policies Manual Please click on the link below to view the full Board Policies Manual Board Policy Manual Online Home Superintendent Board Members Board Goals Agendas and Minutes Board Policy Manual Meetings Dates & Recordings
Freedom of Information Act Freedom of Information Act Please click on the link below to access the form in PDF format FOIA 2022-2023
Innovation at BSD100 What innovation means to Berwyn South School District 100. Berwyn South District 100 is pleased to announce that every school in our district has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished School for 2022-2025. Each school shared their vision for teaching and learning, powerful stories of student learning experiences taking place in its classrooms, and how their lesson designs are meeting their goals for school and district improvement. Our vision is to inspire a passion for learning in each and every child who walks through our doors. In these success stories, you will read examples of how students are working together to create products that express their ideas and make connections to the world around them. Our leadership teams have done a tremendous job empowering our students and staff to think critically and creatively in order to transform our classrooms into vibrant spaces for student learning and success! Congratulations to all Berwyn South Schools on their accomplishment! Please click on the school banner below to link to your school's innovation page! ...
SIT Conference SIT Conference 2024 SIT Conference Saturda y, March 9, 2024 8 am to 2:00 pm Heritage Middle School 6850 W 31st St Berwyn, IL 60402 Session Schedule Session Descriptions
Menu & Meal Program Meal & Menu Program Menu We're happy to share our new partnership with OrganicLife and meal plans for the 2024-2025 school year! Please see the current menu options at the bottom of the page. Click on any image for an expanded version . Please click the link below for Nutrislice Website menu Nutrislice Menu page Meal Program We are pleased to inform you that Berwyn South School District 100 will continue to participate in the Community Eligibility Option (CEP) program offered by the United States Department of Agriculture for the 2024 /2025 school year. This program allows us to provide a breakfast and lunch to our enrolled students at no cost to families. Parents or guardians are not required to apply or provide documentation for free or reduced fee breakfast and lunch. Parents or guardians do, however, need to complete a household and income eligibility form with proper documentation to determine qualification for free or reduced registration and school fees. USDA guidelines stipulate that students must select three (3) out of five (5) healthy food components at each meal – one of which must be a fruit or vegetable - for a healthy, balanced breakfast and/or lunch. Also, students are not allowed to take milk alone. Milk must be combined with a fruit or vegetable and one other component to total 3 items. Updates about menus and programs will be posted on . To learn more about healthy school meals visit . We hope you and your children have a great year! Please feel free to call us with any questions or comments. Programa de comidas Nos complace informarle que Berwyn South School District 100 continuará participando en el programa Community Eligibility Option (CEP) ofrecido por el Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos para el año escolar 2024-2025. Este programa nos permite proporcionar el desayuno y el almuerzo a nuestros estudiantes matriculados sin costo para las familias. Los padres o tutores no están obligados a presentar una solicitud o proporcionar documentación para el desayuno y almuerzo gratis o con tarifa reducida. Sin embargo, los padres o tutores deben completar un formulario de elegibilidad del hogar y los ingresos con la documentación adecuada para determinar calificación para matrícula y cuotas escolares gratuitas o reducidas. Las pautas del USDA estipulan que los estudiantes deben seleccionar tres (3) de cinco (5) componentes de alimentos saludables en cada comida, uno de los cuales debe ser una fruta o verdura, para un desayuno y / o almuerzo saludable y equilibrado. Además, los estudiantes no pueden tomar leche solamente. La leche debe combinarse con una fruta o verdura y otro componente para un total de 3 elementos. Las actualizaciones sobre menús y programas se publicarán en . Para obtener más información sobre las comidas escolares saludables, visite . ¡Esperamos que usted y sus hijos tengan un gran año! No dude en llamarnos si tiene preguntas o comentarios Jennifer Hosty Business Manager 708-303-4008 Joseph Chapa Food Service Director Monthly Meal Plan Current Meal Flyers Monthly Menu Monthly Menu
Learning Software Links Professional Development in D100 Learning Software Links District 100 Learning Software Links: BookFlix - A collection of authentic books that are marketed by Scholastic. They are provided on the digital platform in both English and Spanish. IXL - This program is utilized in the K-8 level, to support basic math and fact practice and to individualize practice for students based on the skills that need further development. Lexia - Lexia Reading Core Program provides personalized learning on fundamental literacy skills for students in grades Pre-K to 5. myON - myON is an online resource for enhanced digital text for all D100 students. This platform gives student access to over 4000, authentic, leveled text for use during independent and guided reading. PowerSchool - This is a student information system used in the classroom for attendance, grades, and other student management functions. Parent Presentation SAMR Video Parent Concerns in the Digital Age
Language Acquisition Language Acquisition Welcome to the Department of Language Acquisition As the department director, I am here to answer any question you may have regarding our language programs. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in learning more about what our programs offer. Bienvenido al Departamento de Adquisición de Lenguaje Como directora del departamento estoy aquí para responder a cualquier pregunta que tenga acerca de nuestros programas de lenguaje. Siéntase libre de ponerse en contacto conmigo si usted está interesado en aprender más sobre lo que ofrecen nuestros programas. Jeanette Briseño Director of Language Acquisition Directora de Adquisición de Lenguaje 708-303-4021 Theresa Adelphia Biliteracy Coordinator 708.303.4045 Christina Diaz Biliteracy Coach 708.303.4043 Maribel Galvéz Biliteracy Coach Ivonne Weber Administrative Assistant 708.303.4026 VISION Students in the department of language acquisition will become bilingual, bi-literate, bicultural, and be high academic achievers by the time they graduate from 8th grade. OUR MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the language services department is to empower and instill pride in children’s bilingual, bi-literate, and bicultural identity in order for them to be successful global citizens who will be college and career ready. We commit to redefining bilingual education through the use of an additive model that includes the integration of effective biliteracy and bicultural practices that embrace the whole child. VISIÓN Los estudiantes en el departamento de adquisición del idioma se convertirán en estudiantes bilingües, biliterales, biculturales y tendrán alto rendimiento académico cuando se gradúen del 8vo grado. NUESTRA MISION La misión del departamento de servicios de idiomas es capacitar e inculcar orgullo en el bilingüismo y la iliteraria de los niños, y su identidad bicultural con el fin de que sean ciudadanos globales exitosos que estarán preparados con habilidades para funcionar en la universidad y en una carrera. Nos comprometemos a la redefinición de la educación bilingüe a través del uso de un modelo aditivo que incluye la integración de las prácticas de alfabetización bilingüe y bicultural eficaces que abarcan al niño en su totalidad. DUAL LANGUAGE INFORMATIONAL F LYER ENGLISH & SPANISH LANGUAGE LEARNER INFORMATION RESOURCES ASSESSMENT BPAC DUAL LANGUAGE ALLOCATION STRUCTURE Dual Language Programming - Programación del lenguaje dual