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    Livestream School Board Meeting Livestream the BOE Meeting The regular Board of Education Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. and will directly go into Closed Session (closed to the public). Open Session (open to the public) will reconvene at approximately 7:00 p.m. Please use the button below to view this meeting. Live Board of Education Stream


    Assessments Assessments District 100 administers several district-level assessments each year. Teachers and administrators use these assessments to monitor student progress, inform instructional decisions, evaluate program effectiveness, and measure progress on district and school improvement goals. State Assessments Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) (Grades 3-8) The IAR is an achievement assessment that measures knowledge and skills aligned to the English language arts and mathematics Illinois State Learning Standards. Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) (Students with significant cognitive disabilities in Grades 3-8) The DLM measures student performance on alternative achievement standards. Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) (Grades 5 and 8) The ISA measures progress in meeting the Next Generation Science Standards. Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State (ACCESS) (English Language Learners in Grades K-8) The ACCESS test measures developmental progress in English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) KIDS is an observation-based tool that documents school readiness in kindergarten students. District Assessments AIMSweb (Kindergarten students and other grade levels as needed) AIMSweb includes a variety of assessments that measure the development of early reading. Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System (Grades K-5) F&P is a one-on-one assessment used to identify students' independent and instructional reading level. NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) (Grades 2-8) MAP is an adaptive assessment that measures academic growth in reading and mathematics. STAR 360 Spanish Assessment (Students in grades K-2 Bilingual or Dual language programs) STAR is an adaptive assessment that measures academic growth in reading and mathematics. Teaching Strategies GOLD (Preschool) Teaching Strategies Gold is an observation-based tool that documents progress on early learning skills. Fitness Gram Benchmark Assessment (Grades 4-8) Fitness Gram measures health-related physical fitness and focuses on personal goals and individual growth. D100 Report Card Emerson Report Card Hiawatha Report Card Irving Report Card Komensky Report Card Pershing Report Card Piper Report Card Freedom Report Card Heritage Report Card


    Medical Information Medical Information Certificate of Health Exam Form-Eng Certificate of Health Exam Form-Span Certificate of Eye Exam Form-Eng Eye Exam Waiver-Eng Dental Exam Form-Eng Dental Exam Form-Span Sport Physical-Eng Inhalers Epipen-Eng Inhalers Epipen-Span Medical Letter to 6th grade Parents-Eng Medical Letter to 6th grade Parents-Span Medical Letter to KDG grade Parents-Eng Medical Letter to KDG grade Parents-Span Medication Permission Form-Eng Understanding Type 1 Diabetes Learn the Facts About Flu Vaccines Eng Learn the Facts About Flu Vaccines Spa Meningococcal and Flu Vaccines Eng Meningococcal and Flu Vaccines Spa Meningococcal Vac for Preteens/Teens Eng Meningococcal Vac for Preteens/Teens Spa


    Emergency Closing Information Emergency Closing Information More Ways To Know Before You Go! Emergency school closing information will be posted on the following services: School District website: Radio: WGN Radio 720 WBBM News Radio 780 TV: Fox Chicago ABC 7 Chicago CLTV News E-mail/Web Search for the status of District 100 and sign up for personalized E-mail notifications at: You will need the following information when using the Emergency Closing Center service: Call: (847) 238-1234 (Touch-Tone phone required) Facility Name: Dist #100 (South Berwyn Schools) Facility Location: Berwyn Main Phone: 708-795-2300


    Language Acquisition Language Acquisition Welcome to the Department of Language Acquisition As the department director, I am here to answer any question you may have regarding our language programs. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in learning more about what our programs offer. Bienvenido al Departamento de Adquisición de Lenguaje Como directora del departamento estoy aquí para responder a cualquier pregunta que tenga acerca de nuestros programas de lenguaje. Siéntase libre de ponerse en contacto conmigo si usted está interesado en aprender más sobre lo que ofrecen nuestros programas. Jeanette Briseño Director of Language Acquisition Directora de Adquisición de Lenguaje 708-303-4021 Theresa Adelphia Biliteracy Coordinator 708.303.4045 Christina Diaz Biliteracy Coach 708.303.4043 Maribel Galvéz Biliteracy Coach Ivonne Weber Administrative Assistant 708.303.4026 VISION Students in the department of language acquisition will become bilingual, bi-literate, bicultural, and be high academic achievers by the time they graduate from 8th grade. OUR MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the language services department is to empower and instill pride in children’s bilingual, bi-literate, and bicultural identity in order for them to be successful global citizens who will be college and career ready. We commit to redefining bilingual education through the use of an additive model that includes the integration of effective biliteracy and bicultural practices that embrace the whole child. VISIÓN Los estudiantes en el departamento de adquisición del idioma se convertirán en estudiantes bilingües, biliterales, biculturales y tendrán alto rendimiento académico cuando se gradúen del 8vo grado. NUESTRA MISION La misión del departamento de servicios de idiomas es capacitar e inculcar orgullo en el bilingüismo y la iliteraria de los niños, y su identidad bicultural con el fin de que sean ciudadanos globales exitosos que estarán preparados con habilidades para funcionar en la universidad y en una carrera. Nos comprometemos a la redefinición de la educación bilingüe a través del uso de un modelo aditivo que incluye la integración de las prácticas de alfabetización bilingüe y bicultural eficaces que abarcan al niño en su totalidad. DUAL LANGUAGE INFORMATIONAL F LYER ENGLISH & SPANISH LANGUAGE LEARNER INFORMATION RESOURCES ASSESSMENT BPAC DUAL LANGUAGE ALLOCATION STRUCTURE Dual Language Programming - Programación del lenguaje dual


    Meeting Dates/Recordings/Presentations Board of Education Scheduled meetings Please click for 24-25 schedule information Board of Education Meetings


    District 100 is featured by Apple as a K-12 Apple Education Success Story. We are proud to share the experiences our students have in our classrooms and the innovative instructional practices our teachers implement to enhance student learning. This story is part of an initiative to help other schools get inspired by what’s possible with technology in education. We are honored to have the District 100 Success Story shared with schools and communities across the world. Please join us in celebrating this accomplishment for our students, staff, district and the entire Berwyn community. Check out our videos and story on the Apple Education Website here. 230331_EDU-BSD100-Berwyn_MJ_003825_f 230328_EDU-BSD100-Berwyn_MJ_000098_f 230328_EDU-BSD100-Berwyn_MJ_000709_f 230331_EDU-BSD100-Berwyn_MJ_003825_f 1/12


    Welcoming Schools Welcoming Schools Berwyn South School District 100 is committed to fostering an inclusive environment for all students, families and staff regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. To that end, we pledge to continually review our policies, procedures, curriculum and teaching practices to ensure a safe, affirming and healthy school environment where every child can learn and all families feel welcome. Administrative Procedure for Gender Support Gender Support Plan (Courtesy of Gender Spectrum) District Equity & Advocacy Resources (DEAR) Committee Members: Administrator: Beatriz Maldonado Emerson: Luz Macias & Jennifer Kruger Hiawatha: Justin Gonzalez, Katelyn McCloskey, Melissa Pierson & Molly Knott Irving: Rebecca Blaufuss Komensky: James Jazo & Kristina Adamczewski Pershing: Alanna Maloney Piper: Andrea Siegler & Alyssa Harsha Freedom: Beth Iverson Heritage: Michelle Brezek Resources: Illinois Safe Schools Alliance Lurie Children's Hospital Gender Development Services Welcoming Schools


    Family Liaison My name is Junely Escobar and I am very excited to be part of the Berwyn South School District 100. As your Family Liaison I am committed to help you get the information and support you need to ensure your child’s academic and social success in school. It is a privilege to get involved, keep you informed and share information to ensure that your children do their best in school. I will keep you connected to your child's teacher, provide educational workshops of your interest and needs, and be your support system. All of our conversations are strictly confidential therefore don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Mi nombre es Junely Escobar y estoy muy emocionada de formar parte del Berwyn South School District 100. Como su Enlace Familiar, me comprometo a ayudarles a obtener la información y el apoyo que necesiten para garantizar el éxito académico y social de su hijo/a en la escuela. Es un privilegio participar, mantenerlo informado y compartir información para garantizar que sus hijos/as hagan lo mejor posible en la escuela. Los mantendré conectados con el maestro/a de su hijo/a, brindaré talleres educativos de su interés y necesidades, y seré su sistema de apoyo. Todas nuestras conversaciones son estrictamente confidenciales, por lo tanto, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud. Junely Escobar Family Liaison email: phone: 708-303-4135 Upcoming Events Parent University: Presented by Giselle Jimenez Emerson School Classroom 105 (entrance through the Heritage Middle School) Heritage Middle School 6850 W. 31st Street This presentation will be in Spanish. We will provide transportation from your school. The bus pick-up will be at 8:25 a.m. from your school and the drop off will be at 11:15 a.m. Registration is required for transportation. Universidad Para Padres: Presentado por Giselle Jimenez Escuela Emerson Aula 105 (entrada por la Escuela Media Heritage) Escuela Media Heritage 6850 W. 31st Street Esta presentación será en español. Sé proveerá transporte desde su escuela. La recogida en autobús será a las 8:25 a.m. desde su escuela y la entrega será a las 11:15 a.m. Se requiere registro para el transporte. Registration Link: Welcome to D100 lending library! We have a series of parenting books in English and Spanish for you to enjoy. You will be able to check out 1 book at a time for 2 weeks. If you need more time, you can always check the book out for another 2 weeks as long as it’s approved by the Family Liaison Mrs. Escobar and there is no hold on the book. Once you fill out the google form. The book will be sent out with your child as soon as possible. Mrs. Escobar will check in books once they’ve been returned. To return book please send it with your student and write on a sticky note, RETURN TO MRS. ESCOBAR AT EMERSON ROOM 105. These books are for all Berwyn South School District 100 families to enjoy! ¡Bienvenidos a la biblioteca de préstamos de D100! Tenemos una serie de libros para los padres, sobre la crianza en inglés y español para que disfruten. Podrá consultar 1 libro a la vez durante 2 semanas. Si necesita más tiempo, puede consultar el libro durante otras 2 semanas, siempre y cuando esté aprobado por el Enlace Familiar, la Sra. Escobar, y no haya reserva en el libro. Una vez que llene el formulario de google. El libro se enviará con su hijo/a lo antes posible. La Sra. Escobar revisará los libros una vez que hayan sido devueltos. Para devolver el libro, envíelo con su estudiante y escriba en una nota adhesiva, REGRESE A LA SRA. ESCOBAR EN EMERSON AULA 105. ¡Estos libros son para que todas las familias de Berwyn South School 100 los disfruten! D100 Lending Library


    Freedom of Information Act Freedom of Information Act Please click on the link below to access the form in PDF format FOIA 2024-2025


    Registration Registration 2024-2025 TOP OF PAGE If you are registering your child for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year, please contact your home school office. The registration links below are not for the current school year. Please use the buttons below to navigate this page Kindergarten Kindergarten Re gistration 2 0 24 -2025 Click for Kindergarten Registration Flyer English Haga clic para el volante de inscripción para el Kindergarten Retu rning Kindergarten Stude nt Registration Please use the link below if your student attended one of our BSD100 Preschool Programs this year and will be returning next year for Kindergarten. R eturning PreK Student Registration English LINK Inscripción de Estu diantes que Regresan Utilice este enlace si su estudiante asistió a uno de nuestros programas de preescolar o escuelas de BSD100 este año y regresará el próximo año. ENLACE en español para la inscripción de un estudiante de PreK que regresa New Kindergarten Student Registration Please us e the link below to register your child if your student is new to Kindergarten at BSD100. New Kindergarten Student English LINK Inscripción de Estudia ntes Nuevos Por favor use est e enlace para inscribir a su niño/a si su estudiante es nuevo en el BSD100. ENLACE en español para la inscripción de un estudiante nuevo New Preschool Student Registration Prior to completing registration, a preschool screening must be completed and a placement determined by the preschool department. Request a preschool screening by using the link below. Request Preschool Screening LINK All children are required to complete a screening evaluation to determine eligibility prior to preschool registration. Click here for New Student registration Click here for Returning Student registration Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025 1st-8th Student Registration 2024-2025 School Contact Information Additional Resources Haga clic aquí para ir directamente a opciones de pago. Please click here to go directly to payment options. eFunds - Fee Payment Parent Guide Household Income Form-English Household Income Form-Spanish Current Year Reg Top of Page Returning student registration for 1st-8th grade If your child is currently enrolled in District 100, please complete your registration here. 1st-8th Student Re gistration 2 0 24 -2025 Click for 1-8 grade Student Registration Flyer English Haga clic para ver el folleto de registro de estudiantes de 1 a 8 grado en inglés Returning 1st-8th grade Student Registration Please use the link below if your student attended one of our BSD100 Schools this year and will be returning next year. Returning 1-8 grade Student Registration English LINK Regreso de 1 a 8 grado Inscripción de estudiantes Utilice el siguiente enlace si su estudiante asistió a una de nuestras escuelas BSD100 este año y regresará el próximo año. Regreso de los estudiantes de 1 a 8 grado Inscripción Enlace en inglés New student registration for 1st-8th grade If your child will be new to District 100 in grades 1-8 for the 2024-2025 school year, please complete your registration here. New 1st-8th grade Student Registration Please us e the link below to register your child if your student is new to schools at BSD100. New 1st-8th Grade Student English LINK Inscripción de nuevos estudiantes de 1 a 8 grado Utilice el siguiente enlace para inscribir a su hijo si su hijo es nuevo en las escuelas de BSD100. Nuevo enlace de inglés para estudiantes de 1 a 8 grado School Contact Infomation School Contact In formation F amilies can email their school with questions or send documents by clicking on the links below. Las familias pueden enviar un correo electrónico a su escuela con preguntas o enviar documentos haciendo clic en los enlaces de abajo. Emerson Elementary School Contact Hiawatha Elementary School Contact Irving Elementary School Cont act Pershing Elementary Sch ool Contact Komensky Elementary School Contact Piper Elementary School Contact Heritage Middle School Contact Freedom Middle School Contact Call yo ur home school with any questions. Llama a tu escuela de origen con cualquier consulta. Emerson: 708-795-2322 Hiawatha: 708-795-2327 Irving: 708-795-2334 Pershing: 708-795-2349 Komensky: 708-795-2342 Piper: 708-795-2364 Heritage: 708-749-6110 Freedom: 708-795-5800 Top of Page


    Office of Teaching & Learning Beatriz Maldonado, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning Karina Cruz, Administrative Assistant for Teaching & Learning Jeanette Briseno, Director of Language Acquisition Sarah Fies, Director of Special Education Lindsey Sinde, Director of Learning Management & Assessment Samantha Shuman, Director of Instructional Innovation Amanda Thompson, Preschool Director Theresa Adelphia, Assistant Director of Curriculum & Instruction Allison Aparicio, Assistant Director of Special Education Leah O’Donnell, Literacy Coordinator Home Curriculum Assessment Gifted & Accelerated Program Preschool Information Health & Wellness Learning Software Links Title 1 1:1 iPad Program E-Learning Staff Login

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