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    Technical Support Please seek initial assistance from your teacher before contacting Tech Support specifically for app/curricular support. Thank you! Por favor, busque asistencia inicial de su profesor antes de ponerse en contacto con soporte técnico When contacting us via phone you will hear the message below. Please have the information requested available so that we may better assist you. Cuando se ponga en contacto con nosotros por teléfono, oirá el siguiente mensaje. 
 Por favor, tenga a su disposición la información solicitada para que podamos ayudarle mejor. Thank you for contacting District 100 Technology Support. A technician will get back to you as soon as possible. If you haven’t already, please provide the following: Student’s Full Name Student’s ID Number Student’s School Phone Number If Spanish-Spoken Assistance is Needed Gracias por contactar al Soporte de Tecnología del Distrito 100. Un técnico se pondrá en contacto con usted Lo más pronto posible. Si aún no lo ha hecho, proporcione lo siguiente: Nombre completo del estudiante Número de identificación del estudiante Escuela del estudiante Número de teléfono Si se necesita asistencia en español Email: Voicemail: 708-303-4012 This number is for voicemail only. Please leave your information and our tech team will get back to you as soon as we are able. Este número es sólo para correo de voz. Por favor, deje su información y nuestro equipo técnico se pondrá en contacto con usted tan pronto podamos. Please click the link below for current Power School status updates Power School Status Updates


    Menu & Meal Program Meal & Menu Program Menu We're happy to share our new partnership with OrganicLife and meal plans for the 2024-2025 school year! Please see the current menu options at the bottom of the page. Click on any image for an expanded version . Please click the link below for Nutrislice Website menu Nutrislice Menu page Meal Program We are pleased to inform you that Berwyn South School District 100 will continue to participate in the Community Eligibility Option (CEP) program offered by the United States Department of Agriculture for the 2024 /2025 school year. This program allows us to provide a breakfast and lunch to our enrolled students at no cost to families. Parents or guardians are not required to apply or provide documentation for free or reduced fee breakfast and lunch. Parents or guardians do, however, need to complete a household and income eligibility form with proper documentation to determine qualification for free or reduced registration and school fees. USDA guidelines stipulate that students must select three (3) out of five (5) healthy food components at each meal – one of which must be a fruit or vegetable - for a healthy, balanced breakfast and/or lunch. Also, students are not allowed to take milk alone. Milk must be combined with a fruit or vegetable and one other component to total 3 items. Updates about menus and programs will be posted on . To learn more about healthy school meals visit . We hope you and your children have a great year! Please feel free to call us with any questions or comments. Programa de comidas Nos complace informarle que Berwyn South School District 100 continuará participando en el programa Community Eligibility Option (CEP) ofrecido por el Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos para el año escolar 2024-2025. Este programa nos permite proporcionar el desayuno y el almuerzo a nuestros estudiantes matriculados sin costo para las familias. Los padres o tutores no están obligados a presentar una solicitud o proporcionar documentación para el desayuno y almuerzo gratis o con tarifa reducida. Sin embargo, los padres o tutores deben completar un formulario de elegibilidad del hogar y los ingresos con la documentación adecuada para determinar calificación para matrícula y cuotas escolares gratuitas o reducidas. Las pautas del USDA estipulan que los estudiantes deben seleccionar tres (3) de cinco (5) componentes de alimentos saludables en cada comida, uno de los cuales debe ser una fruta o verdura, para un desayuno y / o almuerzo saludable y equilibrado. Además, los estudiantes no pueden tomar leche solamente. La leche debe combinarse con una fruta o verdura y otro componente para un total de 3 elementos. Las actualizaciones sobre menús y programas se publicarán en . Para obtener más información sobre las comidas escolares saludables, visite . ¡Esperamos que usted y sus hijos tengan un gran año! No dude en llamarnos si tiene preguntas o comentarios Jennifer Hosty Business Manager 708-303-4008 Joseph Chapa Food Service Director Monthly Meal Plan Current Meal Flyers Monthly Menu Monthly Menu


    Agendas & Approved Minutes Agendas & Approved Minutes Click here to view Board of Education meeting agendas and approved minutes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of Berwyn South School District 100, in the County of Cook, State of Illinois, that the tentative budget for said school district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, will be on file and conveniently available for public inspection at 3401 S Gunderson Ave. Berwyn, Illinois, 60402 on the 1st day of August, 2024. Notice is hereby further given that a public hearing on final budget will be held at 7:00pm on the 18th day of September 2024, at Heritage Middle School, 6850 W 31st Street, Berwyn, IL by The Board of Education, Berwyn South School District 100, in the County of Cook, State of Illinois. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of Berwyn South School District 100, in the County of Cook, State of Illinois, that the e-learning plan for said school district is conveniently available for public inspection at Notice is hereby further given that a public hearing on the renewal of the e-learning plan will be held at 7:00pm on the 18th of September, 2024, at Heritage Middle School, 6850 W 31st Street, Berwyn, IL by The Board of Education, Berwyn South School District 100, in the County of Cook, State of Illinois. Home Superintendent Board Members Board Goals Agendas and Minutes Board Policy Manual Meetings Dates & Recordings


    Gifted & Accelerated Learning Gifted & Accelerated Learning Welcome! Berwyn South School District 100 students identified by agreed-upon criteria will participate in a continuum of accelerated learning opportunities including (but not limited to) virtual instruction, mentoring, and challenge-based learning with the support of their classroom teacher and coach. Please click on the link below to view our Accelerated and Gifted Learning Handbook BSD100 Accelerated and Gifted Learning Han dbook


    Curriculum Berwyn South School District 100 provides a comprehensive educational program that focuses on college and career readiness while encouraging students to be active learners. The district’s English language arts and math curriculum align with the Illinois Learning Standards, which are based on the Common Core State Standards. District 100 recently created a scope and sequence that provides clear and consistent expectations of what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. Our science curriculum is based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the social science curriculum covers topics based on Illinois Learning Standards. The curriculum in all content areas and exploratory courses is designed to provide students with the knowledge necessary to master content standards while challenging them to reach their greatest academic potential. District 100 is committed to enriching the curriculum through exploration, creativity and collaboration, and providing instruction based on the individual needs of every student. District 100 Curriculum Brochures Kinder Curriculum Document First Grade Curriculum Document Second Grade Curriculum Document Third Grade Curriculum Document Fourth Grade Curriculum Document Fifth Grade Curriculum Document Sixth Grade Curriculum Document Seventh Grade Curriculum Document Eighth Grade Curriculum Document Math Grades K-5 Berwyn South elementary students use Bridges in Mathematics , a comprehensive curriculum that supports teachers in their application of the Illinois Learning Standards for Mathematics via a rigorous, engaging, coherent manner that all District 100 students can access. Students develop deep understanding of mathematical concepts, solve complex problems, and build proficiency with key skills. An overview of Bridges in Mathematics for families; available in English or Spanish Please click the link below and scroll down the page ( see example here ) to chose the grade level, K-5, that you're seeking. Bridges Math Standards K-5, scroll down the page to find your grade level Math App K-5 Resources These apps are based on the visual models featured in Bridges in Mathematics. All apps are available in two or more versions: a web app for all modern browsers, and downloadable versions for specific operating systems and devices (such as Apple iOS for iPad). Math Apps K-5 Math Dreambox Grades 6-8 At Berwyn South District 100 we utilize the Desmos Middle School Math Curriculum. Our students use the Desmos platform to interact with math, think critically, create problematic activities, give students the ability to be right and wrong, connect representations, create objects, and engage in mathematical conversations between teachers and students. We also utilize MAP Accelerator to give additional supports to students. Math App K-8 Resources K-8 Math IXL Literacy and Content: Year at a Glance Grades K-8 Please click the link below to chose the grade level that you're seeking Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Literacy App K-8 Resources K-5 Literacy Lexia 6-8 Literacy Achieve 3000 Health & Safety Public Act 102-0522 Our district partners with Corazon Community Services to provide lessons within their curriculum on sexual abuse and assault awareness. They use the MAD/CUIDATE curriculum found here . If you have any questions, please contact our Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning: Beatriz Maldonado 708-303-4014 Curriculum Math Literacy Curriculum Math Literacy Curriculum Literacy Curriculum Math


    Summer School S ummer Program Administrato rs and Contact Information Summer School Principal Komensky Elementary School George Krieger email: Summer School Principal Heritage Middle School Marysol Sandoval email:


    Superintendent A Message From Our Superintendent The word "community" truly exemplifies what it means to be a student or staff member in District 100. We consider ourselves a team of educators who partner with families to live our vision of inspiring a passion for learning in every child. We believe our students deserve the very best instruction and resources and we continue to invest in curriculum and professional development that supports rigorous, engaging, and personalized learning environments for our students. I grew up in Berwyn and attended District 100 as a student. I’ve now had the pleasure of serving students and families in the South Berwyn community for more than 25 years. It’s the people who live here and work here that make it such an incredible place for students to learn, grow, and give back to their community. Dr. Mary Havis Superintendent email: phone: 708-303-4033 Illinois School Report Card Dear District 100 Families, The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) released the annual School Report Card today. The Report Card shows how well schools are progressing on a wide range of educational goals and includes valuable information about school districts including academic progress, student and staff characteristics, attendance, accountability, and finances. Academic performance is based on the 2024 Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) and Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment (DLM-AA) proficiency scores for 3rd through 8th grade students. District 100’s data shows that our overall academic performance has improved since last year in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. Student proficiency in ELA increased by 11%, from 24% in 2023 to 35% in 2024. In math, the district increased from 22% to 24% proficiency, and in science, overall proficiency was 50%, up 6% since last year. The growth percentile for the state is 50 in both ELA and Math. District 100 exceeded the state growth percentile in math at 54 and in ELA at 53. In other notable areas, our teacher retention remained steady at 86%, up 4% since 2022, and our percent of adequacy for school funding is 77%, an increase of 5% over last year. Each school’s Report Card includes a summative designation, or measure of progress in academic performance and student success. The state considers multiple measures when determining which summative rating is appropriate for each school, including 2024 ELA, Math, and Science proficiency scores, growth in ELA and Math, English language learners’ progress to proficiency, chronic absenteeism, and student participation in the school climate survey. The five possible school designations are: Exemplary – Schools performing in the top 10 percent of schools statewide with no underperforming student groups. Commendable – A school that has no underperforming student groups and whose performance is not in the top 10 percent of schools statewide. Targeted – A school in which one or more student groups is performing at or below the level of the “all students” group in the lowest performing 5 percent of schools. Comprehensive – A school that is in the lowest-performing 5 percent of schools in Illinois. Intensive Support - A school that has completed a full Comprehensive Support school improvement cycle, but whose performance remains in the lowest-performing 5 percent of Title I-eligible schools statewide at the end of the four-year improvement cycle. Emerson Elementary School, Hiawatha Elementary School, Irving Elementary School, Komensky Elementary School, Pershing Elementary School, Freedom Middle School and Heritage Middle School received commendable designations. Piper Elementary School received a targeted designation. The areas targeted for improvement at Piper include ELA and Math growth, which account for 50% of the summative designation score, particularly for English Language Learners. The Illinois Report Card highlights our schools and district, reflecting accomplishments of our students, the talent and commitment of our staff, and the strong partnerships with our families and community. District 100 appreciates the support of our families in their students’ overall academic growth and achievement and we need your help to address one of the critical indicators of student success: chronic absenteeism. Chronic absenteeism is defined as students absent from school, either excused or unexcused, for more than 10% of the school year. In the 2023-2024 school year, 27% of K-8 students in District 100 were chronically absent, meaning they missed more than 17 days of school. This statistic is concerning, as attendance plays a vital role in students’ academic progress and social-emotional development. It is essential that we work together as a district community to improve this important indicator this school year. Unless your child is unable to attend due to illness, we kindly ask for your support in ensuring they are present every day. We hold high expectations for all students and are seeing steady growth in our academic indicators districtwide. The Illinois report card highlights our schools and district and reflects the partnerships we have with our families and community. Please visit the Illinois Report Card website for more information on District 100 and your child’s school. We will also share the Illinois School Report Card information in a presentation at the Board of Education meeting on November 20, 2024. Sincerely, Mary Havis, Ed.D. Superintendent


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    Map & Locations BSD100 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS MAP BSD100 MIDDLE SCHOOLS MAP BSD100 Elementary School Boundaries BSD100 Middle School Boundaries


    Welcoming District Resolution Welcoming District Resolution RESOLUTION to affirm Berwyn South School District 100 as a welcoming district for all students and families WHEREAS, the Berwyn South School District 100 Board of Education is committed to inclusive teaching and learning environments for all District 100 students, staff and families; WHEREAS, District 100 provides equal educational and extracurricular opportunities for all students without regard to color, race, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, age, physical or mental disability, gender identity, status of being homeless or immigration status; WHEREAS, District 100 celebrates Berwyn’s diversity resolution entered into the records of the City of Berwyn on November 22, 2016; WHEREAS, District 100 values and celebrates the diversity of our students, staff and families; WHEREAS, District 100 does not require students to disclose information about their citizenship or immigration status; WHEREAS, District 100 has policies that prohibit harassment and promote the safety and security of all students and staff; WHEREAS, pursuant to State law District 100 schools welcome all K-8 children who reside in South Berwyn regardless of immigration status; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education is committed to the safety and well-being of students and staff and prohibits unlawful discrimination and harassment. The Board values all students, staff, and families and will continue to provide an inclusive environment that treats everyone with respect and fairness. Board of Education of Berwyn South School District 100. Dated this 25th day of January 2017. Welcoming District Resolution Doc Home Superintendent Board Members Board Goals Agendas and Minutes Board Policy Manual Meetings Dates & Recordings


    Livestream School Board Meeting Livestream the BOE Meeting The regular Board of Education Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. and will directly go into Closed Session (closed to the public). Open Session (open to the public) will reconvene at approximately 7:00 p.m. Please use the button below to view this meeting. Live Board of Education Stream


    Assessments Assessments District 100 administers several district-level assessments each year. Teachers and administrators use these assessments to monitor student progress, inform instructional decisions, evaluate program effectiveness, and measure progress on district and school improvement goals. State Assessments Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) (Grades 3-8) The IAR is an achievement assessment that measures knowledge and skills aligned to the English language arts and mathematics Illinois State Learning Standards. Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) (Students with significant cognitive disabilities in Grades 3-8) The DLM measures student performance on alternative achievement standards. Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) (Grades 5 and 8) The ISA measures progress in meeting the Next Generation Science Standards. Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State (ACCESS) (English Language Learners in Grades K-8) The ACCESS test measures developmental progress in English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) KIDS is an observation-based tool that documents school readiness in kindergarten students. District Assessments AIMSweb (Kindergarten students and other grade levels as needed) AIMSweb includes a variety of assessments that measure the development of early reading. Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System (Grades K-5) F&P is a one-on-one assessment used to identify students' independent and instructional reading level. NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) (Grades 2-8) MAP is an adaptive assessment that measures academic growth in reading and mathematics. STAR 360 Spanish Assessment (Students in grades K-2 Bilingual or Dual language programs) STAR is an adaptive assessment that measures academic growth in reading and mathematics. Teaching Strategies GOLD (Preschool) Teaching Strategies Gold is an observation-based tool that documents progress on early learning skills. Fitness Gram Benchmark Assessment (Grades 4-8) Fitness Gram measures health-related physical fitness and focuses on personal goals and individual growth. D100 Report Card Emerson Report Card Hiawatha Report Card Irving Report Card Komensky Report Card Pershing Report Card Piper Report Card Freedom Report Card Heritage Report Card

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