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    Superintendent A Message From Our Superintendent The word "community" truly exemplifies what it means to be a student or staff member in District 100. We consider ourselves a team of educators who partner with families to live our vision of inspiring a passion for learning in every child. We believe our students deserve the very best instruction and resources and we continue to invest in curriculum and professional development that supports rigorous, engaging, and personalized learning environments for our students. I grew up in Berwyn and attended District 100 as a student. I’ve now had the pleasure of serving students and families in the South Berwyn community for more than 25 years. It’s the people who live here and work here that make it such an incredible place for students to learn, grow, and give back to their community. Dr. Mary Havis Superintendent email: phone: 708-303-4033 2023 Illinois Report Card Release Dear District 100 Families, ​ The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) released the annual School Report Card today. The Report Card shows how well schools are progressing on a wide range of educational goals and includes valuable information about school districts including academic progress, student and staff characteristics, attendance, accountability, and finances. Academic performance is based on the 2023 Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) and Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment (DLM-AA) proficiency scores for 3rd through 8th grade students. District 100’s data shows that our overall academic performance has improved since last year in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. Student proficiency in ELA increased by 3%, from 21% in 2022 to 24% in 2023. In math, the district increased from 20% to 22% proficiency, and in science, overall proficiency was 44%, down 4% since last year. The growth percentile for the state was 50% in both ELA and Math. District 100 exceeded the state growth percentile in math at 53% and was just under in ELA, with a growth percentile of 48%. In other notable areas, our teacher retention increased to 86%, up 4% from last year, and our percent of adequacy for school funding is 72%, an increase of 1% since 2022. ​ Each school’s Report Card includes a summative designation, or measure of progress in academic performance and student success. The state considers multiple measures when determining which summative rating is appropriate for each school, including 2023 ELA, Math, and Science proficiency scores, growth in ELA and Math, English language learners’ progress to proficiency, chronic absenteeism, and student participation in the school climate survey. The four possible school designations are: ​ Exemplary – Schools performing in the top 10 percent of schools statewide with no underperforming student groups. Commendable – A school that has no underperforming student groups and whose performance is not in the top 10 percent of schools statewide. Targeted – A school in which one or more student groups is performing at or below the level of the “all students” group in the lowest performing 5 percent of schools. Comprehensive – A school that is in the lowest-performing 5 percent of schools in Illinois. Intensive - A school that has completed a full comprehensive support cycle, but remains in the lowest-performing 5 percent of schools in Illinois. We are pleased that all District 100 schools received commendable designations. Summative designations and the student success indicators and scoring weights summarized below: Academic Indicators: English Language Arts (ELA) Growth: 25% Math Growth: 25% ELA Proficiency: 7.5% Math Proficiency: 7.5% Science Proficiency: 5% English Learner Progress to Proficiency (Language Growth): 5% School Quality & Student Success Indicators: Chronic Absenteeism: 20% Climate Survey (5Essentials Survey for 4th – 8th grade students): 5% The Illinois Report Card highlights our schools and district and reflects the partnerships we have with our families and community. District 100 appreciates the support of our families in students’ overall academic growth and success and we need your help to address a critical indicator of student success: chronic absenteeism. Chronic absenteeism is defined as students absent from school, either excused or unexcused, for more than 10% of the school year. In the 2022-2023 school year, 30% of K-8 students in District 100 were chronically absent, meaning they missed more than 17 days of school. This is an increase of 3% in chronic absenteeism over the previous school year and is an extremely concerning statistic, as attendance directly impacts students’ academic and social emotional growth. We need to work together as a district community to improve this critical indicator for the current school year. Unless your child is unable to attend school due to illness, we ask for your cooperation in making sure they are in attendance every day. We hold high expectations for all students and believe every student can meet or exceed grade level expectations with the right supports. The Illinois report card highlights our schools and district and reflects the partnerships we have with our families and community. Please visit the Illinois Report Card website for more information on District 100 and your child’s school. We will also share the Illinois School Report Card information in a presentation at the Board of Education meeting on November 15, 2023. Sincerely, Mary Havis, Ed.D. Superintendent


    Portrait of a Graduate ​ District 100 is proud to introduce the Portrait of a Graduate to our families. Thank you for your feedback in establishing a shared vision of the educational experiences and attributes our community wants for all students in the district. Please see the attached letter and informational poster that further defines the District 100 Portrait of a Graduate. Letter Poster ​ ​ Retrato de un graduado ​ El Distrito 100 se enorgullece de presentar el Retrato de un graduad o a nuestras familias. Gracias por sus comentarios para establecer una visión compartida de las experiencias educativas y los atributos que nuestra comunidad quiere para todos los estudiantes del distrito. Consulte la carta adjunta y el póster informativo que define aún más el Retrato de un graduado del Distrito 100. Carta Póster


    Freedom of Information Act Freedom of Information Act Please click on the link below to access the form in PDF format ​ ​ FOIA 2022-2023


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    Professional Development Professional Development in D100 Berwyn South School District 100 is committed to facilitating ongoing professional learning for its staff. As such, we adhere to the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning. These standards guide the design, implementation, and evaluation of professional learning activities in Berwyn South School District 100 as required by the Illinois State Board of Education. "Learning Forward's standards outline the essential elements of and conditions for professional learning that strengthens educator effectiveness and increases student learning. Widespread attention to the standards increases equity of access to high-quality education for every student, not just for those lucky enough to attend schools in more advantaged communities" ( ). Our standards for PD focus on: Learning Communities Leadership Resources Data Learning Designs Implementation Outcomes In addition to participation in professional development opportunities on Institute Days, at after-school workshops, and by attending conferences, Berwyn South School District 100 staff are actively engaging in asynchronous learning options via webinars, Twitter chats, the EdLeadersNetwork, etc. The intended outcome of all Berwyn South School District 100 professional development is to increase educators' practice in order to facilitate successful student learning.


    Medical Information Medical Information ​ Certificate of Health Exam Form-Eng Certificate of Health Exam Form-Span Certificate of Eye Exam Form-Eng Eye Exam Waiver-Eng Dental Exam Form-Eng Dental Exam Form-Span Sport Physical-Eng Inhalers Epipen-Eng Inhalers Epipen-Span 22.23 Medical Letter to 6th grade Parents-Eng 22.23 Medical Letter to 6th grade Parents-Span 22.23 Medical Letter to KDG grade Parents-Eng 22.23 Medical Letter to KDG grade Parents-Span 22.23 Medication Permission Form-Eng Learn the Facts About Flu Vaccines Eng Learn the Facts About Flu Vaccines Spa Meningococcal and Flu Vaccines Eng Meningococcal and Flu Vaccines Spa Meningococcal Vac for Preteens/Teens Eng Meningococcal Vac for Preteens/Teens Spa


    Emergency Closing Information Emergency Closing Information More Ways To Know Before You Go! Emergency school closing information will be posted on the following services: School District website: Radio: WGN Radio 720 WBBM News Radio 780 TV: Fox Chicago ABC 7 Chicago CLTV News E-mail/Web Search for the status of District 100 and sign up for personalized E-mail notifications at: You will need the following information when using the Emergency Closing Center service: Call: (847) 238-1234 (Touch-Tone phone required) Facility Name: Dist #100 (South Berwyn Schools) Facility Location: Berwyn Main Phone: 708-795-2300


    District Departments Home Business & Finance Department of Language Acquisition Human Resources Coaches Preschool Special Education Transportation Department Building & Grounds


    Innovation at BSD100 ​ What innovation means to Berwyn South School District 100. ​ Berwyn South District 100 is pleased to announce that every school in our district has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished School for 2022-2025. Each school shared their vision for teaching and learning, powerful stories of student learning experiences taking place in its classrooms, and how their lesson designs are meeting their goals for school and district improvement. Our vision is to inspire a passion for learning in each and every child who walks through our doors. In these success stories, you will read examples of how students are working together to create products that express their ideas and make connections to the world around them. Our leadership teams have done a tremendous job empowering our students and staff to think critically and creatively in order to transform our classrooms into vibrant spaces for student learning and success! Congratulations to all Berwyn South Schools on their accomplishment! ​ Please click on the school banner below to link to your school's innovation page! ...


    Welcoming District Resolution Welcoming District Resolution RESOLUTION to affirm Berwyn South School District 100 as a welcoming district for all students and families ​ WHEREAS, the Berwyn South School District 100 Board of Education is committed to inclusive teaching and learning environments for all District 100 students, staff and families; ​ WHEREAS, District 100 provides equal educational and extracurricular opportunities for all students without regard to color, race, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, age, physical or mental disability, gender identity, status of being homeless or immigration status; ​ WHEREAS, District 100 celebrates Berwyn’s diversity resolution entered into the records of the City of Berwyn on November 22, 2016; ​ WHEREAS, District 100 values and celebrates the diversity of our students, staff and families; ​ WHEREAS, District 100 does not require students to disclose information about their citizenship or immigration status; ​ WHEREAS, District 100 has policies that prohibit harassment and promote the safety and security of all students and staff; ​ WHEREAS, pursuant to State law District 100 schools welcome all K-8 children who reside in South Berwyn regardless of immigration status; ​ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education is committed to the safety and well-being of students and staff and prohibits unlawful discrimination and harassment. The Board values all students, staff, and families and will continue to provide an inclusive environment that treats everyone with respect and fairness. ​ Board of Education of Berwyn South School District 100. Dated this 25th day of January 2017. ​ ​ ​ Welcoming District Resolution Doc ​ Home Superintendent Board Members Board Goals Agendas and Minutes Board Policy Manual Meetings Dates & Recordings


    McKinney-Vento McKinney-Vento ​ Children who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime abode are eligible for McKinney-Vento services. In general, children or youth living in motels, transitional housing, shelters, the street, cars, abandoned buildings, and other inadequate accommodations may be considered eligible for McKinney-Vento services. If you think your child may qualify for McKinney-Vento services, please contact the main office at your child's school. ​ District 100 Homeless Liaison Sarah Fies ​ ​ ​ What is McKinney-Ven to? Rights of Homeless Students McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Students Berwyn resources


    Special Education Welcome! Berwyn South Sc hool District 100 Special Education Department ​ Berwyn South School District 100 offers a full continuum of Special Education services to those students who have undergone a case study evaluation and have been found eligible to receive additional educational support during their school day. Following state and federal laws that establish criteria for eligibility, schools are required to provide services to a child between the ages of 3 and 21 to address the adverse effect of a disability on his/her education. ​ Special education is instruction and related services provided by special education personnel or by a general education program that has been modified through the use of special education support services, supplementary aids, or other special programming. Related services are support services that may be provided to assist a student in accessing his/her academic program. Related services include, but are not limited to, the following: occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychological services, social work services, and speech and language services. The student’s individual education plan (IEP) will determine the services and amount of time needed to meet the student’s academic or behavioral needs. Students with disabilities who do not qualify for an individualized education program under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, may qualify for services under Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 if the student (i) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, (ii) has a record of a physical or mental impairment, or (iii) is regarded as having a physical or mental impairment. Questions about the identification, assessment and placement of students should be directed to the Office of Special Education. Office of Special Education Phone: 708-303-4022 ​ Director of Special Education: Sarah Fies Email: Phone: 708-303-4032 ​ Dis trict Level Special Education Coordinator: Joel Dukett Email: Phone: 708-303-4004 ​ Administrative Assistant to Special Education: Lupita DeLaRiva Email: Phone: 708-303-4022

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